Las Vegas Organizations
Las Vegas is home to a myriad of organizations contributing significantly to community development and social well-being. From charitable foundations to business associations, these organizations play a pivotal role in shaping the societal fabric of Las Vegas. They provide vital services, support local initiatives, and offer numerous opportunities for volunteering and community involvement.
Discover the Organizations of Las Vegas
Discover Las Vegas's Impact Community: Charitable organizations and nonprofits here tirelessly combat social issues, from homelessness to education. Supported by robust professional associations and chambers of commerce, the city's business scene thrives with opportunities. Numerous citizens’ groups passionately preserve and promote our rich cultural heritage. Explore our pages to connect with these dynamic organizations. Whether your interest is in volunteering, networking, or learning about community efforts, these groups offer valuable opportunities to engage and make a difference in Las Vegas. Join us in shaping a brighter future for our city!
Las Vegas Organizations (501c3)

Las Vegas WON Rotary Club
No Attendance Policy - Live & Video Meetings - No Fines – Flexible Meetings - No Geographic Boundaries - No Mandatory Participation - Extremely Low Membership Cost, under $1 a day – Largest Rotary Chartered History of Rotary - Network 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide. Looking for new members, 702-210-4201.

Three Square
Three Square works with a service network of community partners (this includes nonprofit and faith-based organizations, schools and after school and feeding sites) in our community to reach struggling individuals and families at risk of hunger. (1 in 8 Southern Nevadans is food insecure — that's more than 274,430 people)

Salvation Army Las Vegas
The Salvation Army is committed to meeting the needs of those in the communities we serve, without discrimination. For this reason, here in Southern Nevada, we have made the commitment - our brand promise if you will - to participate in Restoring Hope & Transforming Lives.

New Organizations Listed Soon
Contract if you know of a high quality charitable organization who should be listed on this website. Please, only organizations who do NOT retain large percentages for overhead, salaries, advertising, etc., are allowed to be on this website.

New Organizations Listed Soon
Contract if you know of a high quality charitable organization who should be listed on this website. Please, only organizations who do NOT retain large percentages for overhead, salaries, advertising, etc., are allowed to be on this website.

New Organizations Listed Soon
Contract if you know of a high quality charitable organization who should be listed on this website. Please, only organizations who do NOT retain large percentages for overhead, salaries, advertising, etc., are allowed to be on this website.
Facts About Donating / Community Service
Community sharing and donating have a profound impact on both individuals and communities as a whole. Research has established several key benefits:
1. "Enhanced Happiness": A Harvard Business School study found giving money to others increases happiness more than spending it on oneself. This uplift in mood is also supported by findings from the University of California, Riverside, where performing acts of kindness boosted happiness
2. "Biological Benefits": Donating activates brain regions associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust, producing a "warm glow" effect and releasing endorphins, known as the "helper's high".
3. "Health Improvements" Generosity is linked to better health. People with chronic illnesses like HIV and multiple sclerosis benefit from giving to others. Elderly volunteers for various organizations showed a 44% lower mortality rate over five years compared to non-volunteers.
4. "Reduced Stress: Providing social support can lower blood pressure, suggesting a direct physiological benefit from giving.
5. "Promotion of Cooperation and Social Connection"': Giving is known to foster trust and cooperation, enhancing social connections vital for mental and physical health.
6. "Evoking Gratitude": Giving and receiving gifts cultivate gratitude, which is crucial for happiness, health, and social bonds. Gratitude also strengthens connections with others.
7. "Contagious Generosity": Giving can initiate a ripple effect of generosity in the community. One person's altruistic behavior can inspire others to act generously, influencing many people indirectly.
These statistics and studies underscore the far-reaching benefits of community sharing and donating, not only for individual well-being but also for fostering a healthier, more connected society.